Historical Buildings and Landmarks of Trinidad & Tobago Volumes 1 & 2 are now available for purchase. Deliveries are in progress in your area.


Explore our courses

Basic DSLR/ Mirrorless Photography

Have you always been interested in photography, but never had the time, or the opportunity to explore it? Do you own a DSLR/ Mirrorless camera but do not know how to use it to effectively capture the images that exist in your mind? Are you thinking about buying a camera, but you are not sure what type of camera will best suit your needs? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then this is the program for you.

This program is designed to take you through the technical aspects of operating a camera so that it becomes second nature. Once you have mastered the technical issues, we then teach you real world application of the techniques. What differentiates us from other programs, is that we do not simply teach you the technical aspects of camera operation. We teach the softer skills which instils the confidence necessary to become accomplished photographer

Journey with us as we explore and educate you on topics such as:

  • How light affects photography
  • Camera settings
  • Understanding the exposure triangle
  • Aperture
  • ISO
  • Shutter speed
  • Composition
  • Choice of lenses
  • Depth of field

Along with many other topics that have been carefully curated to produce a program which allows for the development of every photographer’s inner artist.


Contact Hours: 15

Basic Videography

Video is fast becoming an indispensable tool in the media arsenal of today’s landscape. Whether it be for use on social media networks, content creator portals, business, or a hobby, video has become paramount to modern storytelling.

This introductory program covers the basic knowledge and skill required to demystify the process of creating a striking audio-visual piece. We will arm you with the basic theoretical understanding, and practical skills, to transition beyond still photography, to a captivating world of moving images.

Join us, as together we explore techniques such as:

  • Pre-Production – Basic Storytelling, Storyboarding, Location Scouting, Shot Lists, The Elevator Pitch, Scheduling
  • An Overview of Basic DSLR/Mirrorless – Exposure Triangle, White Balance. Composition, Understanding the Characteristics of Lenses, understanding cinematic continuity.
  • Practical: Planning and shooting a basic story.
  • Post-Production Tools – Focused on the use of Adobe Premiere Pro and Smartphone Editing Apps to Produce the Finished Product


Contact Hours: 15

Advanced DSLR/ Mirrorless Photography

Mostly abandoning the classroom sessions, this is the program where we really start having fun with our cameras, by interacting with our environment in ways that most of us had not imagined possible. The excitement is ratcheted up and off the charts, as we embark on a series of field trips that expand our classroom to the great outdoors.

This program builds upon the foundational skills that you have acquired in the basic course, elevating your abilities to the next level. The photographer will learn techniques that will allow them to create images that were not previously achievable.

You will learn to produce scenes that you had only seen in magazines, such as car light trails along a roadway, seascapes, and fields consisting of thousands of stars in the night sky.

Our adventure will cover techniques such as:

  • Off Camera Flash
  • Light painting
  • Long exposure
  • Macro photography
  • Use of remote control and camera timer operations
  • Light trails
  • Use of reflectors, diffusors, and soft boxes
  • Use of ND Filters
  • Working with models
  • Fashion photography
  • Astrophotography


Contact Hours: 18

Drone Photography

Have you ever dreamed of flying like a bird, or piloting your own helicopter, giving you access to majestic views and a sense of untold freedom? Since we do not have wings, and many of us will never become pilots, we are offering you the next best thing. You can become a drone operator and be able to achieve entirely new angles and perspectives with your photography and videography.

Safety and security first! We will begin by walking you through the legalities of drone operations in Trinidad and Tobago and explain in detail the “No Fly” zones, altitude restrictions, and requirements for registration of equipment and operators, which you must respect. We will also educate you on the process for requesting exemptions from the relevant authorities where applicable. Emergency procedures relevant to your aircraft will be covered in detail to ensure that you are fully prepared for the skies.

Our trainers will assist you in selecting the appropriate type and model of drone for your mission. We will work with you individually to help you gain your confidence in solo flight, while also helping you to identify your limitations, so that we can safely push them back further and further with each sortie.

You will learn to create the most complementary imagery that best portrays your subject, as well as techniques for enhancing the quality of the cinematic shots that you will soon be recording in your aerial videography.

A bird’s eye view of the program include:

  • When the use of a drone is appropriate?
  • Legal restrictions and requirements
  • What type of drone is suitable for your projects?
  • Drone settings
  • Control software settings
  • Emergency procedures
  • Drone flight modes
  • Camera modes
  • Image capture types
  • ND Filters
  • Aerial videography settings
  • Range of aerial shot styles


    Contact Hours: 12

    Portrait Photography

    As photographers, we are often in awe of amazing portraits of individuals and families, thinking to ourselves that we would love to replicate the magic of these images. Well, we have some great news for you. Our Portrait Photography course will help you to achieve this and more.

    We have crafted this program to support you in enhancing your comfort with the art form of capturing facial expressions, body cues, personality, and moods of your subject using the elements of lighting, composition, and backgrounds. You will find yourself designing lighting to create shadows that reveals the secrets hidden within your subject.

    Allow us to teach you the techniques that will unmask and instantly connect you to your subject on a level that grants you free access to their inner thoughts and desires. Discover that one of the secrets to achieving the most creative and visually appealing portraits, is putting your subject at ease with the process, and with yourself.

    This program imparts invaluable knowledge related to the nuances of lighting and posing of your subjects. Time will appear to be suspended as the look that you are trying to achieve with your camera, lighting, and backdrops, comes into stunning focus while melting into perfect harmony with your subject.

    Together we will hone your talents by mastering the following elements:

    • Understanding Portraiture
    • Lighting choices and positioning
    • Natural lighting options
    • Tools for accentuation of your lighting
    • Posing of your models
    • Psychology of connecting to your subjects
    • Use of shadows as accents
    • Backdrop selection
    • Studio vs Location shooting


    Contact Hours: 12

    Product Photography

    We have all looked at billboards, magazines, and online advertising at some time and thought about how great many of the images looked. It is quite likely that those images have motivated your decision to purchase a product or service. Have you ever wondered why?

    Capturing the essence of a product is an art. To be effective, the photographer needs to be able to make that product elicit an emotional response deep within the consumer. That response can range from love, to passion, nostalgia, or any of a dozen other emotions, depending on the nature of the product.

    In this course we will teach you different methods to achieve that using angles, lighting, backdrops, props, and of course post processing. We will share with you, guidelines for when to choose different sets to display your products. You will learn how to bring out the greatest appeal in your photography of products.

    You will discover things about your own creativity and imagination that you never recognized before. You, the photographer, will learn to take everyday items like shoes, hats, chairs, and bottles, and turn them into displays of creativity, and objects of desire that the consumer must possess.

    Bring your imagination and work with us as we prepare you for the world of product photography by sharing the secrets of the professionals using the following tools and more.:

    • Understanding the principles of product lighting
    • Use of product photography boxes
    • Photography of different surfaces such as metal, wood, glass, etc.
    • Set design for product photography
    • Use of large sets for larger products
    • Postproduction editing including compositing techniques


    Contact Hours: 12

    Night Photography

    Prepare to step into the darkness as you explore a different dimension of your photography. You have learned that photography is all about light, now you will discover how to find light in the darkest of nights.

     Shooting in the dark is all about patience, planning, and imagination. We will revisit the exposure triangle and use it to maximum effect in capturing some of the most breath-taking nightscapes that you can conceive.

     You will find yourself using your gear to maximum effect by employing techniques such as long exposure to create images such as light trails along the roadways without the vehicles being present in the image. You will capture the heavens in ways that you never thought possible. The sheer multitude of stars visible in your images will blow your mind.

     The photographer will learn that the camera can see images in ways that far exceed the capability of the naked human eye. Are you ready for a journey into the night to find the hidden lights?

    Contact Hours: 12

    Photography is everything

    If you would like further information on anything, or would just like to reach out to let us know how we are doing, we would be really happy to hear from you.