Historical Buildings and Landmarks of Trinidad & Tobago Volumes 1 & 2 are now available for purchase. Deliveries are in progress in your area.


What we do?

Richard Ramirez Imaging Limited are industry forerunners in a diverse range of services:

  • Portrait Photography
  • Event Photography
  • Product Photography
  • Fashion Photography
  • Wedding & Engagement Photography
  • Corporate Photography
  • Real Estate Photography
  • Aerial (Drone) Photography
  • Nature Photography
  • Videography
  • Television & Film Production
  • 360° Photography
  • Virtual Tours
  • Brand Development Consultancy
  • Production of Books
  • Sale of specialized photographic artwork (Glass, Aluminium. Canvas, Paper)
  • Photography Training Programs
  • Videography Training Programs
  • Website Development & Content Creation
  • Hosting of Photography Field Trips
  • Hosting of Photography Exhibitions

Photography is everything

If you would like further information on anything, or would just like to reach out to let us know how we are doing, we would be really happy to hear from you.